7th Grade Colorful Stained Glass Designs
7th grade students have begun to design their own stained glass windows. Using simple straight-sided shapes, students were encouraged to consider symmetry when filling their frame with their design. Students used geometric stencils and rulers to mark out the shapes that would represent their cut glass.. Designs drawn on paper were transferred onto laminate and color was applied using sharpie. Students were encouraged to view their mini design using the overhead projector to simulate sunlight through glass.
7th grade students have begun to design their own stained glass windows. Using simple straight-sided shapes, students were encouraged to consider symmetry when filling their frame with their design. Students used geometric stencils and rulers to mark out the shapes that would represent their cut glass.. Designs drawn on paper were transferred onto laminate and color was applied using sharpie. Students were encouraged to view their mini design using the overhead projector to simulate sunlight through glass.
Today, students continued finalizing their (first) designs and continued their design into a larger 81/2"X11" format. Students used the same principles as before, designing on paper first then using a transparency overlay with colored sharpies to explore color combinations and compositions.