Art Studio 2012-2013

The TBS Middle School Art Studio

We start with the assumption that the responsibility of TBS teachers is to nurture students to become passionate, reflective, creative, discerning, inquisitive scholars, as well as healthy, ethical, compassionate people. 

 Our goal is to educate students to become intrinsically motivated 
and capable of sustained quality work; 

independent thought; 

meaningful collaboration; 

original expression; 

and effective written 

and oral communication in humanities, arts, and sciences.

We recognize that the education our children will need for their future 
is very different from the education most of us received.

Our Studio Art program seeks to assist and guide students as they explore their creative selves through developing eight “studio habits of mind” created as part of the Teaching for Understanding framework: 
develop craft

engage & persist,







 and understand the art world.