Friday, April 5, 2013

7th Grade Skill Building
Transparency drawing of self-portrait photo

7th Grade students are beginning their self-portrait process that will last the next couple of months. Students will be developing and using many skills and disciplines as they tackle the difficult possibilities of the self-portrait.

Beginning steps for this project include skill development in areas of line, shading, and observation when drawing, accompanied by taking photos of each other that will be used as the "subject" for their self-portrait drawing. Over the next classes, students will continue to sharpen their drawing skills through small exercises, in addition to printing a transparency copy of their photo and measuring out and drawing a grid on another photo copy, both for use as accuracy tools during their self-portrait process.

Today students created a transparency version of their photos, tracing their photo onto a transparency sheet using pen, sharpie, and/or ebony pencil. Students where encouraged to experiment with line and color allowing the transparency drawing to become a self-portrait of it is own. This mini exercise is meant to increase student focus for the prolonged drawing project beginning after Spring Break.