Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6, 2013
Annual TBS Student Art Show is a Huge Success 
for Students and Families!
(More Photos Coming Soon!)

Last night's Student Art Show was a hit! 
 From the moment the University gate swung open, the campus was filled with children and adults looking carefully -- and admiringly -- at student art.  A large number of ECC families made the trek over, and many grandparents and special friends were in the mix:  the buzz was positive and excited, and that didn't come from the sparkling apple juice:  it was the art.

The art!  
Self-portraits; puppet shows; a Calder circus and tipis destined for the playscape; lamps of all descriptions and lighted works of fused glass.  Folks circulated back and forth from the Depot to the Art Studio, and all were justifiably impressed by the scope of the projects, the clear agency that student artists were displaying, and the range of ideas.

Major congratulations and appreciations to Julianne and Benicia for translating their classroom work into a show that everyone could appreciate and enjoy.  Putting this many hours into something that will "live" for a few days and then come down is a labor of love -- with emphasis on both "labor" and "love" -- and The Berkeley School really benefits from such dedication.  Thank you both!

- Mitch Bostian
     Head of School
             The Berkeley School