Thursday, October 25, 2012

6th Grade "Sets the Scene" with Light and Shadows

6th grade students were introduced to shadow puppets in the screening of Shadow Puppets, a short film. This child creating short film illustrates some basic tricks for telling a simple story through shadow imagery and movement. Through a brief in-class demonstration, students were shown how to use an overhead projector to project a shadow puppet story on the Art Studio wall. Students worked in pairs and individually to draw backdrops using a transparency sheet and sharpies, and creating props and a cast of cut-out characters using card stock paper, laminate, sharpies, and popsicle sticks.

Students experimented with the use of color, design, and movement while using light to bring their artwork to life.

Over the coming months, 6th Grade students will explore multiple materials that create layers of color and design, and the effects of light and shadow on the layers they create. Ultimately, 6th grade students will create a lamp from "scratch" (cord is included) using tyvek, watercolor, silhouettes, and other materials for structure. The explorations students engage in over the next month will strengthen their overall understanding of the materials they will use to design and make their lamp.