Friday, October 26, 2012

7th Grade Designs with Light in Mind
 As an introduction to the future creation of small stained glass windows, students were shown a simple youtube tutorial on "How to Build a Stained Glass Window." Students learned about the basics of creating a stained glass plan, cutting the glass, framing the pieces, soldering, and completing a window from scratch.

Today students began to design their own versions of a stained glass window. Using simple straight-sided shapes, students were encouraged to consider symmetry when filling their frame with their design. Students used geometric stencils and rulers to mark out the shapes that would represent their cut glass.. Designs drawn on paper were transferred onto laminate and color was applied using sharpie. Students were encouraged to view their mini design using the overhead projector to simulate sunlight through glass.
Printmaking Exploratory Makes Their Mark

Thursday, October 25, 2012

6th Grade "Sets the Scene" with Light and Shadows

6th grade students were introduced to shadow puppets in the screening of Shadow Puppets, a short film. This child creating short film illustrates some basic tricks for telling a simple story through shadow imagery and movement. Through a brief in-class demonstration, students were shown how to use an overhead projector to project a shadow puppet story on the Art Studio wall. Students worked in pairs and individually to draw backdrops using a transparency sheet and sharpies, and creating props and a cast of cut-out characters using card stock paper, laminate, sharpies, and popsicle sticks.

Students experimented with the use of color, design, and movement while using light to bring their artwork to life.

Over the coming months, 6th Grade students will explore multiple materials that create layers of color and design, and the effects of light and shadow on the layers they create. Ultimately, 6th grade students will create a lamp from "scratch" (cord is included) using tyvek, watercolor, silhouettes, and other materials for structure. The explorations students engage in over the next month will strengthen their overall understanding of the materials they will use to design and make their lamp.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

8th Grade Transforms and Transfers Images into More
Students used inkjet photos, watercolor paper, a folding tool, and gel medium (non-toxic) to transfer pristine photos into grainy reinterpretations of the original. Students found that the process required pre-soaked paper and a lot of patience to get a satisfying end result. All were amazed each time the transferred image was revealed.

8th grade students were introduced to the process of transferring photographs from a printed copy onto watercolor paper. In the coming weeks students will begin transferring photos onto light muslin cloth that can be sewn onto tote-bags, t-shirts, pillows, and more; all in preparation for the spring repurposed fashion show. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Printmaking Subtracts to Add the Image
7th Grade Wire Jewelry and Mini Metal Art Works

7th Grade students will be working with metal and glass this fall into spring. Over the coming months students will be given lessons to increase their skills in working with metal and glass, cumulating into projects such as jewelry, slumped glass bowls, and stained glass windows.

Today students were shown a demonstration of how to make two different wire bracelets. Both designs required patient metal manipulation, done by hand, and following step-by-step instructions. This year's 7th grade projects will require attention to detail, patience for process steps, and safety when handling tools. These skills will be the underlying focus of each weeks activities as we prepare for our bigger stained glass project this winter.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

6th Grade Holds Tyvek up to the Light

Over the coming months, 6th Grade students will explore multiple materials that create layers of color and design, and the effects of light and shadow on the layers they create. Ultimately, 6th grade students will create a lamp from "scratch" (cord is included) using tyvek, watercolor, silhouettes, and other materials for structure. The explorations students engage in over the next month will strengthen their overall understanding of the materials they will use to design and make their lamp.

Today students used small sheets of tyvek and a light box to explore the possibilities of color and imagery when materials are added. Students used watercolor paint, sharpies, construction paper cut outs, laminate strips, embossing metal designs, and more to explore the artistic possibilities when light is added.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

8th Grade Reworks Images to Create New Designs

8th Grade students this year will get to present a repurposed-fashion Fashion Show to the Berkeley School community this spring. In preparation 8th graders will be working over the coming months on graphic design, sewing, and the articulation of a style or culture through clothing. Today, students used stock photos to cut, color, and glue together a new image, message or theme optional.

Friday, October 12, 2012

7th Grade Manipulates Metals and Learns Stained Glass Basics

7th Grade students began class this week, with a 10 minute observation contour drawing of a common Art Studio tool, e.g. scissors, 3-hole punch, stapler, and others. Students remarked on the ease of replicating the lines of these objects in proper perspective compared to past objects such as the potted flowers or the jars of misc objects. The clean lines and sharp corners of today's drawing subjects gave students a chance to achieve higher realism and strengthen their mark-making confidence, while still increasing their skills with a sustained 10 minute exercise. Students needing an extra challenge were given a stylus pen to create their sketch without the possibility of erasing.

7th Grade students will be working with metal and glass this fall into spring. Over the coming months students will be given lessons to increase their skills in working with metal and glass, cumulating into projects such as jewelry, slumped glass bowls, and stained glass windows.
Today, students continued to work with embossing metal, wire, and other materials creating complex art cards showcasing their explorations in miniature works of art. As an introdution to the future creation of mini stained glass windows, students were shown a simple youtube tutorial on "How to Build a Stained Glass Window." Students learned about the basics of creating a stained glass plan, cutting the glass, framing the pieces, soldering, and completing a window from scratch. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

6th Grade Designs in Color

6th Grade students began class this week, with a 10 minute observation contour drawing of a common Art Studio tool, e.g. scissors, 3-hole punch, stapler, and others. Students remarked on the ease of replicating the lines of these objects in proper perspective compared to past objects such as the potted flowers or the jars of misc objects. The clean lines and sharp corners of today's drawing subjects gave students a chance to achieve higher realism and strengthen their mark-making confidence, while still increasing their skills with a sustained 10 minute exercise. Students needing an extra challenge were given a stylus pen to create their sketch without the possibility of erasing.

Over the coming months, 6th Grade students will explore multiple materials that create layers of color and design, and the effects of light and shadow on the layers they create. Ultimately, 6th grade students will create a lamp from "scratch" (cord is included) using tyvek, watercolor, silhouettes, and other materials for structure. The explorations students engage in over the next month will strengthen their overall understanding of the materials they will use to design and make their lamp.

Today, students continued using multi-layer, multi-media, complex layout techniques, 6th grade students are applying their metal and watercolor skills to creating a finished art card. Students were challenged to create an art card (a work of art that is 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" in size) that had a minimum of 2 visible layers, 3 materials, and structured as either a card with folded panels or in a dyptic, tryptic, etc card set.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

8th Grade Continues with Clay!
Students have been instructed on the different stages of clay ware: greenware- still maluable, leather hard- fragile and breakable, bisqueware- after the first kiln firing, and final glaze piece- after liquid glazes are applied and the piece is fired for the last time. Students have learned to apply underglazes to greenware OR bisqueware and that liquid gloss glazes MUST be applied ONLY to bisqueware. Students have chosen their construction process and the color theme of their flower pots, all creative inspiration is cultivated and supported on an individual basis.

Students continue to work with clay, stacking coils, slabs, and spheres to create a new flower pot for their observation drawing flowering subjects. Using various hand building techniques, such as slab, coil, braids, and spheres students score and slip their pieces together until reaching the assigned specifications of 6"Hx4"D. Students also continued to practice their centering and on the wheel so they can keep their new skills sharp.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

6th Grade Take Experimental Processess and Create Miniature Artworks
Using multi-layer, multi-media, complex layout techniques, 6th grade students are applying their metal and watercolor skills to creating a finished art card. Students were challenged to create an art card (a work of art that is 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" in size) that had a minimum of 2 visible layers, 3 materials, and structured as either a card with folded panels or in a dyptic, tryptic, etc card set.

Students rose to the challenge creating complicated visual series, lining folded panels in metal, creating latches for miniature doors and all with stunning color, intentional compositions, and inviting content.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

8th Grade Puts their Best Face Forward
During my unfortunate absence on Wednesday, 8th graders had the opportunity to contribute their self-portraits to the "One Community, Many Faces" campus project begun during the Fall Festival and inspired by a 2/3 student's experiences in Copehagen. Students and families in the K-8 Berkeley School community have been contributing to this project currently on view outside the east Art Studio door. 

“The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers & cities; but to know someone who thinks & feels with us, & who, though distant, is close to us in spirit, this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe