Thursday, September 13, 2012

6th Grade Chooses Their Subject
6th Graders in the 2012-2013 school year will be asked to supplement their studio time
with 5-15 minute exercises or project research. These "Weekly Studio Tasks" will be assigned in class, and recorded in the students AB planners. All tasks are posted on the Studio Blog and any
 handouts or worksheets will be provided in hard copy and digital form.

As their first task 6th grade students were asked to bring in an object that would be their drawing subject during the next class observation contour drawing exercise. Students were asked to
consider bringing something that had personal (not monetary) value or interest to them.
These objects were arranged by the students for their 10 minute study and the sketches were completed in their Middle School sketchbooks.

The student sketchbooks are used over the course of the 3 years to graduation. They are a class time tool that remains in the studio for use during drawing exercises, material and technique notes, and project planning. Students decorate the outside of their books to their own tastes using many materials, such as paper, cray-pas, duct tape, and even spray paint as shown in the slide show below.